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새로운 공기살균,정화기술

병원 수술실에는 바이오존 공기살균기가 필수입니다!


: 光 Plasma 

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Cold Plasma Technology Fights Against Environment Pollution
Plasma Indygo is the first entity that purifies the air in road tunnels.

Cold Plasma technology has been mentioned several times as the remedy of the future against indoor and outdoor pollution.

Cold Plasma Ignites Hot Applications

By James Schultz

Sterilization of food, medical equipment, and contaminated civilian and  military gear is just one potential major application of so-called “cold” plasmas.

These ambient-air-temperature ionized gases could also be used as a Star Trek-like protective shield around sensitive electronics-bearing devices,


such as satellites; as cloaking technology for military aircraft, as means of absorbing radar waves in order to remain hidden on enemy screens; and as components of a new generation of miniature lasers and in  advanced, low-energy-consumption flourescent light tubus.

상기 명칭은 모두 같은 의미와 뜻을 가지고 있습니다.


국 BioZone Scientific Inc, USA사에서 개발한 이 기술은 국제적으로 [공기살균][공기정화] 분야의 대표적인 키워드로써 자리매김하였습니다.

병원과 대형건물, 일상적인 생활환경에서 유해세균을 실시간 살균하고, 화학물질(악취와 유해한 가스)을 분해하여 저독성, 무독성으로 변환하는 기술을 나타내는 일련의 상표입니다.

바이오존은 세계보건기구(WHO)국제적십자(International Res Cross)에서도 사용하는 살균장비입니다!